On next page you may see the fingering by selecting different keys, There are four basic fingerings on a violin
Question: Are there other possibilities? Answer: Of course yes, if you are playing chromatic scales, moving accidentals or even harmonic minor, you have other fingerings, but above are the normal ones when playing major scales Select the "Major scale" dropdown, and move through it with the arrow keys. Can you see there is a pattern? It is because the violin is tuned in fifth, and the keys are moving in a fifth cycle. You may select different modes, and different positions. The Tonic (Base note) is marked with a green ring: You may select differnet sound options:
Advanced option In the advanced options you may select: You may select different minors and modes, and you may select only the notes which are part of a triead or a 7th chord. You can also see the fingering in different positions.You can not play in all positions in all modes. (This restriction is imposed in order to avoid calculation errors inherent in the tool) By holding the mouse above the number in the ring, you will hear the note beeing played, and you can see the corresponding note in the note system. You may also click on a note to hear it being played, and see which finger is corresponding to the note. This feature is intended for learning sheet reading.
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