Exersize in different waysIt is easiest to consentrate on only one thing. When you are practicing
You cannot do everything in one go. You have to concentrate on one thing at the time. When you finaly are plaing in front of an audience, you have no time for thinking
How to get a good toneThe bow should run perpendicularily across the strings. Concentrate on the contact point between the strings. Check that you are having a good tone
Good self esteem is maybe the most important factor for playing with a good tone. Lern to love your own playing. Make sure that you believe in the message you are sending out when you are producing music! Good tone is not the same as vibratoYou should be able to produce a good tone without vibrato. Vibrato is a spice that you sometimes can use to make a good tone. Don't over use it. Please mind that vibrato does not fit for all music stiles
Influence of your instrumentIt is clear that the type of strings you are using, as well as the quality of your instruments, will influence the quality of your tone appearance. However with violins it is possible to improve the instrument by playing well on it. Wood is a magic material, it produces better sound after a while if you play well. The effect is well known by lutheirs and scientists, though nobody have been able to explain why it happens.